Tuesday, July 16, 2024

In Our Own Write – February/March 2024

Five budding authors met on the 12th with the topic being The Quick Thinker.

Yet again we had a wide range of plots, from a Wedding Planning Agency titled The Quick Thinkers to a romantic getaway coming to an abrupt end when one of the party rescued some children from drowning.

Our very own version of Agatha Christie surpassed herself with the story of a meek and mild gentleman who was injured in a train crash which killed the other occupant in his compartment. He was given the coat that his rescuers had wrapped him in and found to his amazement that there were uncut gemstones in the pocket. According to the newspapers the other gentleman had been a jewel thief but the police could not find any trace of the stones he had stolen.Should he ring the police to say he had the stones or should he finally have some luck in his life? (And wasn’t it a good thing that he knew a retired diamond setter!)

Our next meeting will be on March 11th and the topic will be Decision(s).

Travina White