Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Strollers Social Walking Group – December 2023

Having survived traversing mud and water plus gate and stile climbing during our adventurous new walk to Old Walls Vineyard in November, we’re planning something a little tamer for our December Dawlish & District u3a monthly walk on Thursday December 14th.

I’ll  be coming to Dawlish on the number 2 Exeter bus, leaving Teignmouth at 12.13pm and hopefully arriving Dawlish at 12.27pm, in time to meet up with our Strollers group under the railway viaduct at 12.30pm.

As we are not sure about the weather, tide times/conditions or if the sea wall route is fully open again after the storm damage, we have plan A and B ready for our Dawlish to Dawlish Warren walk.

Depending  on the weather and route decided on the day, our planned end of walk and refreshment stop will be either the Langstone Cliff Hotel or Ryders  Bakery for a hot drink and festive mince pie.

New walkers are always welcome to join our monthly walks.

Jean Gitsham, Convenor