Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Monthly talk: Steve Shepherd – Cyber Crime

Steve Shepherd the Cyber Crime Protect Officer for Devon and Cornwall Police spoke to a very well-attended meeting, an indication of how significant this topic is for us all.

Steve gave members some key ‘take home’ messages:

Always be curious!

  • Nothing is free
  • Never click on links/attachments if you are unsure of the sender
  • Even if it looks authentic – check grammar and spelling to see if there is anything which is not quite right
  • Note the salutation. “Dear Customer” from your bank/provider/HMRC will be a scam as they will always use your proper title and name
  • Ask yourself whether the sender purporting to be genuine would have your email address?
  • Let your cursor hover over the sender’s email address (it may not match the address shown on screen)


  • Make it as hard as you can make it. How easy are yours to crack? Date of birth, the same password each time with slight changes; these are all too easy for a hacker.
  • Never use the same password.
  • A seven letter password will take one second to crack but a password with 12 or more characters takes 200 years to crack.
  • TIP: Use three random words ie: looking around the room windowwallchair add a number/?/! in the password.
  • If you prefer, keep an old-fashioned book to write down your passwords.
  • Turn on two step verification – most banks have introduced this already for online banking.

Keep it safe

  • Back up your important information.
  • Always keep your devices updated.

If you think you may have been compromised, don’t hesitate, contact your bank immediately.

If you do have concerns, here are some useful addresses:

Finally, by reporting fraud and cybercrime, you will enable law enforcement to understand how these criminals operate and help catch them.

Kate McCarthy