Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Eight go tobogganing

Tobogganing in January?  Very appropriate for the time of year I say. Even if the slope was a metal tube rather than pristine snow and the toboggan had wheels instead of runners.

Here’s what the first group had to say about our latest adventure:


For their first foray into the unfamiliar, if not exactly the unknown, Dawlish’s intrepid adventurers attempted the famous Cresta Run.  We were not in the Alps it must be admitted, but in the foothills of the Plymouth Snowsport Centre.

We were pleased to find that we did not have to haul our toboggans up the steep slope to the beginning of the run, and instead were towed to the start of the snaking course.  For our first runs, we were all rather conscious of the advice on how to use the brake, and we slid cautiously to the bottom with a slight air of disappointment.  We haven’t driven all the way to Plymouth for something this sedate.

For later rides, we all were determined to emulate the bobsleighers we see at the Winter Olympics!  We ignored the signs advising us to SLOW DOWN at the approach to the bends, and riders enjoyed rounding the bends at the top of the banking.  We were intent on reaching the top speeds possible – all of 23mph we were told!  That speed is really quite exhilarating when you are just inches above the track.  That was more like it!

It was a good way to start 2023, and quite a change from our last outing – Line Dancing.  The variety is just one of the great things about the Adventure Group.


Thank you Miggie for organising another “out of our comfort zone” adventure. Eight of us signed up to attend this wonderful experience on the 27th January 2023.

We each had our own individual toboggan and were in control of it all along the “Cresta Run” which meandered 650m down to the bottom. After the first couple of rides we all got more confident and faster!

The staff were very knowledgeable and I felt we were well looked after.

Afterwards we all enjoyed a coffee and some lunch. A great experience with great company.  Here’s to our next Adventure!


…without doubt yesterday was another success. Must admit I should probably not do a repeat.

I got as close to the full course with brake off as I probably could though I’m not sure I was always holding the lever right down as hard as I might – it was a long stretch! Not sure my ceiling could be raised even allowing for galloping old age and degeneration.

Certainly very glad I did it and I shouldn’t have without the existence of the Adventure Group.

If you would like to join the Adventure group for some more fun experiences this year, contact Miggie via adventure@u3a.dawlish.info for further information or come along to our next group meeting on Friday February 17th.