Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Quiz group – October/November 2022

The Quiz group met two weeks on the trot and some of the group members have returned after the Summer. Our first evening started with a round on Cockney Slang and this proved to be top of the pops. I reckon that afterwards the men had a Chas and Dave and went to have a butcher’s hook for harper and queens.

The remaining  rounds were Names, Gary/Garry, Science, Monsters and General Knowledge. One of our group is called Garry and so he must have been disheartened to realise that the result from that round was the worst of the evening.

The following Monday the set questions were General Knowledge, State Capitals, Sleepy/Dreamy, The Noughties, Bella Italia and Art and Literature. The quizzers excelled in the General Knowledge round but must have fallen asleep during the Sleepy/Dreamy round.

The last round on Art and Literature proved to be controversial as the quizmaster was challenged as to the answer. The question was ‘ ‘Which of Shakespeare’s plays has a title which is also a proverb?’. Answer – ‘All’s well that ends well’. One of the participants unmuted and stated that is was also  ‘Much ado about nothing’. Others said that was correct.. Humbug! If you care to take a look at the list of 300 proverbs (yawn) you will note that ‘Much ado about nothing’ is not listed,. Hence it is a quote or saying not a proverb. You just can’t get the staff these days. We parted friends as there is always a lot of  banter during the quiz evenings.

The dates for the next quizzes have been set for the 14th and 28th November and the 5th and 19th December. All are welcome!

Graham Carey, Convenor and Quizmaster