Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Strollers Social Walking Group – October 2022

Oct 13th Exploring Exminster Ridgetop Countryside Park 

We’ll be catching the number 2 Exeter bus leaving Teignmouth by WH Smith’s at 12.10am and Dawlish at 12.25pm.

The plan is to get off the bus at the stop opposite the petrol garage at the far end of Exminster then to enter the park via the nearby footpath.

The first field is quite steep but worth the climb for the views at the top. The pathways are then mostly level or on gentle slopes alongside hedgerows with great views and three lots of seating plus information boards.

We’ll leave the park via the downhill Deepway Lane then head for a cafe or pub for refreshments before catching our twice hourly bus home.

Jean Gitsham, Convenor