Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Adventure group – Town quiz and scavenger hunt winners!

Thursday 7th July saw some 17 adventurers and their friends tackle our first ever town quiz and scavenger hunt.  The route took participants from the Bandstand; along the Strand; up to the Manor House; then back along the brook; over to the Lawn; across Jubilee bridge and finally up Brunswick Place – to the final destination of the Brunswick Arms for a well earned drink and lunch for those who were up for it.

Our teams had to answer no less than 50 questions – most were straightforward but some were mildly cryptic – and collect five designated items.

Everybody acquitted themselves with great aplomb and competition for the top places was intense!

So for the results… the clear winners were the appropriately named team Vicktorious with 65.5 points, followed by The A team (61.5); Thai Cheese (61); The Tarnses (or possibly Tarnzes – there was some dissent in the team over the spelling) (60.5); Adventure Not Dementia (AND) (59.5); Basil’s Crew (including Basil the dog) (57.5) and last but not least, our only solo player, Billy No Mates (44).

Only one question was not successfully answered by anyone – question 49: “The item produced by Peter Savage covers how big an area?”  The answer can be found near the Chinese restaurant on Brunswick Place but I’ll let you go and find it.

I am very grateful to June Cassidy for co-writing the quiz and scavenger hunt with me.  June and I had great fun making up the questions, and the excuse for a coffee afterwards was good too!

Miggie Pickton, Convenor