Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Adventure group – climbing photos

Many thanks to Ann for organising another fun adventure.  The seven of us that took part had a great time climbing the walls of the Quay Climbing Centre in Exeter.  We each had a go at three different walls.

First we tackled the beginner walls, two of us belaying for each climber (and the instructor hanging in there too, just in case…).  Next we went on the walls with the automatic belay systems, trusting that they would work if needed!  Finally we had a go at bouldering – the same technique but much lower and without any ropes or harness.  For the bouldering, our instructor very bravely stood behind us in case we fell; you can see him in some of the photos.  This, combined with the very well padded floor, meant that we all felt as safe as we could be, under the circumstances.

Fortunately, nobody fell off and we all gained in confidence as we progressed.  Personally, I found it interesting that I could bring some of the technique learned at Go Ape to bear on the climbing and abseiling.  Who would have known?

Thank you to Roz and Dave for the use of their photos.

  • Photo credit: Roz Summerton