Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Gardens and Gateaux trip to Coleton Fishacre

The Gardens and Gateaux group will have some spare places for our trip in May to Coleton Fishacre.

We will be travelling by mini bus, departing Barton Hill car park at 10am on Friday 27th May.

There is a guided tour laid on by one of the grounds staff, and plenty of time for a wander on your own as well as participating in the all-important tea and gateaux.

It will cost £24.35 for transport both ways, entrance to the gardens, and the guided tour. (NT members £12.00)

It is anticipated that we will return to the car park around 3.30pm.

If you think you would like to join us, either as a group member or just as a one-off day trip please contact me, Barry Baker via enquiries@u3a.dawlish.info.

Looking forward to some fresh air and spring flowers. OK, and Gateaux!

Barry Baker, Convenor