Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Charity Norman: After the Fall (October 2021)

Our October choice was After the Fall by Charity Norman.

In New Zealand a small boy has fallen from a balcony and is seriously injured. It seems, at first, that it was an accident, but we realise, through the narration of his mother Martha, that she is compelled to hide a dreadful secret.

We are taken back to England, where the family decide on a fresh start after financial problems and Martha’s husband, Kit’s drinking is getting out of control.

At first, their new life appears to be idyllic, even the reluctant teenage Sacha settles in, but soon it is clear that things are going badly wrong.

The novel, although described by the group as a page turner, dealt with very difficult issues of drug addiction and the family’s slow realisation to see what is happening. Added to that was the secrecy surrounding Sasha’s father.

We felt that the way the story resolved at the end was rather too pat and perhaps a bit unrealistic.

However, most of us became involved in the characters and only one of us guessed how the child came to fall.

Charity Norman is a previously unknown writer to the group and the majority of us agreed that we would probably read more of her work.

After the Fall was given 4 out 5.

Our next book is The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins.