Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sinclair Lewis: It Can’t Happen Here (May 2019)

This month’s book certainly produced some lively and thought provoking comments from the group.

It is described as an “American Classic” by many reviewers and is a satirical story and precautionary tale of possible political outcomes leading from a President who is bombastic, belligerent, opinionated and uses his power to bring down those who oppose him.

Does this sound familiar?

This anti hero sells himself as a champion of “Forgotten Men”, determined to make American Great again with false promises and fear tactics. His immigration policies are mirrored in the current climate. The book highlights horrifying outcomes and heartbreak and is a warning of how democracy is fragile.

The majority of the group found it “hard reading” but it did produce a stimulated debate with some very challenging descriptions. We all agreed that although at times the writing was dated, uncannily it had many contemporary comparisons., and was a book that was definitely worth consideration.

Margaret Cunningham