Tuesday, July 16, 2024

2023 u3a Membership Renewals now due

Hurray it is that time of the year again!

I say hurray as it means Spring is almost knocking on our doors.

Membership renewal for all members is due by 1st April 2023.

The amount is £15 for full membership and £10 if you belong to another u3a.

You can pay this amount in several ways.

In person:

You can bring cash or a cheque with you.  Membership renewal forms will be available at both meetings which we will ask you to complete, especially if you are a Gift Aider.


  • Alternatively, you can pay by Bank Transfer (NatWest) to Dawlish & District u3a, Sort Code: 52-30-22, Account Number: 34078967. Don’t forget to give your name as the reference.

To download and complete an electronic membership form please go to the online renewal form on our website or download a printable renewal form and send it to my address which is at the bottom of the form.

As before it is really important to us if you would consider being a Gift Aider and to become one, you need to tick the box on the form before you press submit.

Kate McCarthy

Membership Secretary