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Lunch club – Christmas meal 2024

Dawlish & District u3a Christmas Lunch 2024

Date: December 16th Monday 12.30 pm

Venue: Teignmouth Golf Club, Haldon Moor, Teignmouth TQ14 9NY

Menu: The Christmas lunch menu can be found in the club’s Christmas Brochure

Prices: Two course lunch £28 per person; three course lunch £32 per person

All members of Dawlish & District u3a are invited to this year’s Christmas lunch.

In order to reserve a place please pay a deposit of £10 per person to the u3a, either online (details below) or in cash by October 10th (if paying by cheque then by October 4th).  After October 10th no refunds of deposits can be made.

By November 10th please inform the convenor via of your menu choices. A copy of the menu can be found here.

By November 18th please pay the balance per person of £18 for a two course meal or £22 for for a three course meal

After November 18th no refund of any payment can be made.  If you are unable to attend, you may make arrangements with another member to attend in your place. This will be a private arrangement and the convenor cannot assist in finding replacements.

Bank details:

  • Name of bank: NatWest
  • Name of Account: Dawlish and District u3a
  • Sort code: 52-30-22
  • Account No: 34078967
  • Reference: Xmas Lunch YourName

Transportation arrangements:

Transport has been arranged with Dawlish Community Transport. There will be two buses. The first bus can take 16 members and the second bus can take 12 members. Total 28 seats.

The meeting point is outside Dawlish Community Transport office at 11.55 am. Be punctual please.

Please contact Khim Sim via if you would like a place on the bus.  The cost is £6 per person, payable to the Dawlish & District u3a account (details above) by November 18th with reference: Transport YourName.  The first 28 people to pay will get the seats.

I hope the above is all clear, and I do hope to welcome as many of you as possible to our Christmas lunch.

Khim Sim, Lunch Club convenor

Latest update: 1st October