Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Growing our Interest Groups

Have you thought about starting your own group to further an interest?  Do you fancy exploring the possibility of new groups with others?

This could be a good place to start.

You can pick up on past ideas that may benefit from a new twist or put out feelers for something new.  Have a read through of what has been going on and see what others would like to do.

You can add your ideas to this page by contacting the Groups Coordinator via email: enquiries@u3a.dawlish.info or through any committee member.

By far the best way to establish a new group is to become a convenor and within no time your group can be up and running.  Again, just let the Groups Coordinator know what you propose: enquiries@u3a.dawlish.info.

To find out more about the role of a convenor please see this document.

Interest group ideas

Chess Status: Proposed
Chess Chess has been suggested, and some members have expressed an interest should something start up.  Matching skill levels would probably be the hardest part of running something like this. If you think you could run a small group of players, now is the time to make your move.
Climbing Status: Proposed
Exeter has an exciting climbing centre. Some of our members had a go with the adventure group in 2022. It’s possible that a regular group could reach great heights.
Dartmoor… Explore Status: Suspended
The group will explore interesting and historical sites on and around Dartmoor, during the summer seasons. This is a social day-trip group, which will involve walking after car sharing to get to the chosen destinations.
Here, There and Everywhere Status: Closed
The group will arrange day trips within Devon, travelling either by public transport or using Dawlish Community Transport for areas not served by the former.
In addition to the day trips which are arranged on various agreed dates, the group will also try to have a regular social meeting.
History Status: Closed
Needs convenor
Our History group closed during Covid.
This subject can be approached from many angles, and a lot of people find it interesting.
Perhaps history could be re-started in the near future.
Kayaking Status: Proposed
Our branch has done a couple of days Kayaking on local waterways. Even taking part in a u3a film. It was so much fun that some people have proposed it becomes a regular event. Do you fancy making a splash with this one?
Metal Detecting Status: Proposed
We are hoping to start up a small metal detecting group if someone can come forward as convener.
This would need very little organising just keeping in touch with other interested members. If you think you could do this, please let me know in the usual way.
Philosophy and Psychology Status: Suspended
Needs members
This group will examine life lessons and the wisdom of third age, exchanging direct and indirect experience of the challenges of modern living and our moral and psychological dilemmas.
Rummikub Status: Closed
Needs convenor
Our branch had a group of Rummikub players a little while ago.
This could be a nice and easy one to restart. The only real experience needed would be to know what on earth Rummikub is!
For those of us that haven’t heard of it until now, it has elements of rummy and mah-jong. Originating in Romania, it’s become popular across the globe, and was very popular in America in the seventies.
Is Rummikub a club for you?
Singing for fun/health Status: Proposed
Some of our members have expressed an interest in joining a singing group. I am looking into the possibility of such a group starting next year, (if there is enough interest).
Can I ask anyone who thinks they would join a small fun singing group, to get in touch via enquiries@u3a.dawlish.info.
Swimming Status: Closed
Needs convenor
Go on, splash out and convene a swimming group.

What next?

Let us know what you would like to do, and it can be publicised on this page. Be one of our growing group of convenors and help us grow our interest groups.