Tuesday, July 16, 2024
NewsStop Press

Dawlish & District u3a 10th Birthday Party

2-4pm on Monday 15th July on the Lawns

I am looking forward to celebrating the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Dawlish & District u3a at our party on the Lawns on 15th July.  This party is in place of our normal monthly meeting in the Manor House.  There won’t be the usual charge for refreshments but there will be a raffle.

At the recent Turn of the Tide event, I was talking to our neighbours from the Dawlish Garden Society about their forthcoming anniversary celebration, but I am afraid we cannot quite match their seniority!  They were founded in 1860 as the Cottages Prize Society.  Their attempts to celebrate this a while ago were hindered by lock down, but they plan another attempt soon.  Despite being juveniles in comparison, I hope lots of members will come together for this very informal event to celebrate our more modest but nonetheless significant landmark.

A celebratory cake is being baked and we will offer members a glass of something festive to mark the occasion, but please feel able to bring any other refreshments you would like for yourself and other members to share.  And please note, there will not be any chairs provided so it would be a very good idea to bring picnic chairs or rugs to sit on.  You will be able to find us in the area of the Lawns behind the bandstand.  We will have a gazebo and our u3a branded ‘sail’ flying proudly to advertise our presence.

Summer seems finally to have arrived this week, so let’s hope it continues for a while as we  have deserved some warm sunshine, so let’s look forward to an enjoyable afternoon.

John Vick, Chair