Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Quiz group – April/May 2024

Despite the numbers this month being depleted, we soldiered on and were still able to meet for our two quiz evenings.

Our first get together saw us looking at the subjects of General Knowledge, The last line of films, National Animals, Beers, Nothing but ice and Dictators; a mixed bag for the quizzers. This said, perhaps it was a case of playing safe as the majority of jokers were played in the General Knowledge round. That paid off as the best score was in that round. However the group members were not too hot on discerning the name of the films from the last lines.

As usual, here is a sample question from each round for you to see how you might have fared:

  • What European city is the HQ of Prada and Versace?
  • What film’s last lines are ‘Hang on lads. I’ve got a great idea’
  • What is the national animal of Saudi Arabia?
  • What is the country of origin of the Kingfisher beer?
  • What is dry ice?
  • In which country was Charles Taylor a dictator?

As well as General Knowledge, the second quiz featured Famous Italians, Turkey, Scandals, Asian countries and group members. The Asian countries round came out on top whilst the Italians were obviously not that famous. One team had 10 out of 10 in the pop group members round, living their youth again!

Would you have known the answers to the following?

  • Which Italian designer in famous for men’s suits?
  • What career did Adolph Hitler pursue before entering politics?
  • What are the four seas that border Turkey?
  • In 2015 which car manufacturer was involved in the emissions scandal?
  • How many countries does landlocked Afghanistan share a border with?
  • Page, Jones, Plant and Bonham were members of which pop group?

We will be meeting up once in May; on the 6th at 7pm, then on the 3rd and 24th June.

Graham Carey, Quizmaster