Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Gardens and Gateaux – May 2024

I am pleased to invite you to join our outing to visit Ashley Court, just south of Tiverton, on Friday, 31 May 2024, the house will be opening up especially for our u3a group.

Ashley Court is a Georgian Country House with a large garden, including a very old walled garden, which has been undergoing restoration over the past few years, as well as a pretty stable yard and a woodland area, (wellingtons may be advisable in the woodlands if we have had much rain). The house has remained almost unaltered since the war so there are many original features left intact. There are also two downstairs toilets for our use, one is wallpapered with newspapers found in the house, from various periods, the oldest being a Tiverton Gazette from 1890!

The cost of garden entry with a guided tour (lasting approximately 60-90 minutes) and an introductory talk about the house (approximately 30 minutes) in the drawing room, together with tea/coffee and biscuits is £11, payable on the day.

It is also possible to pre-book a simple lunch (soup and bread or similar) for £10, or a two course lunch in the dining room would be £15, payable on the day. I will need to advise Ashley Court of lunch requirements a few days before the visit. Please indicate if you are interested in a simple lunch or a two course lunch. I will find out nearer the time that the menu might be, they try to include produce from the garden. Or you are free to eat your own picnic in the grounds.

The cost of transport in a Dawlish Community Transport mini bus is £10 each, a non-refundable payment, you can pay online into the U3A bank account : Dawlish and District u3a, Sort Code 52-30-22, account number 34078967 with the reference G&G Ashley. The first 16 payments will secure a seat. If you are unable to go and you can find a replacement for yourself then a refund should be available. If the trip is cancelled by DCT for any reason then refunds will be sorted.

Payments for entry to Ashley Court of £11 will be required on arrival and lunch is pre-bookable, also payable on the day.
The minibus will be leaving from the Dawlish Community Transport hub in Barton Car Park, Dawlish. Please be there by 9.00am.
Return time is weather dependent but we would aim to be back by 4.30pm latest.

Any questions please contact Jenny Lancaster, Convenor, via enquiries@u3a.dawlish.info.

Photo credit:  © Martin Bodman (cc-by-sa/2.0)