Tuesday, July 16, 2024

French Conversation – February/March 2024

Our first meeting of the month was attended by four members and we  discussed the subject of Valentines Day. Is it nowadays just a commercial opportunity for the card, floristry and hospitality industries? Did any of us mark the occasion? Are men or women typically more romantic? Which love song did we think was the most romantic and touching?

One member did not mark St Valentines Day and felt that it was an occasion more significant to the younger generation. Although we agreed that the day is hugely commercialised and no doubt very profitable for some businesses, one member felt that it was no bad thing for even us oldies, to be reminded to show appreciation to our partners. It also provides an excuse for a little indulgence; Marks and Spencer’s Valentines meal deal for two was highly recommended!

With regard to romantic songs, one member had fond memories of dancing with her husband to the song ‘Lady in Red’ at a dinner dance. Another told of how Lionel Richie’s song ’Hello’ always reminded her of a teenage crush on a lad she saw every day walking to school, but never spoke to. The jury was out on whether one sex took the prize for being more romantic: I wonder what you think.

Our second meeting  was again attended by four people. First, we heard some traveller’s tales from a member who had recently returned from an exciting holiday in Costa Rica, and to some, an equally exciting trip to Ireland to watch a Six Nations rugby match.

We then went on to talk about books we had read recently. One person had recently re-read an ancient copy of Lady Chatterley’s Lover which she had originally read many years ago in French. She reported it being rather hard going in English, but possibly more because of the small print than the content or the language!

The gentlemen present tended to read a mix of non-fiction and fiction and historical novels were enjoyed by all. One of us gave a review of La Girona by Niall Fallon, a novel which tells the story of a ship of the Spanish Armada which, overladen with passengers and treasure, eventually was shipwrecked off the coast of Ireland. Another recommended novel was Act of Oblivion by Robert Harris. Set in the years after the restoration of the monarchy in 1660, it tells the story of two fugitive Roundhead colonels, signatories to the death warrant of Charles I, fleeing from a Royalist official  who has vowed to bring them to justice. Other authors recommended included Ben Macintyre, Paddy Ashdown and Henri Troyat.

Our next meeting will be on Thursday 7th March, venue yet to be decided.  We will be considering which person from the past or present we would like to sit next to at a dinner party for congenial conversation.

Lynne Vick