Tuesday, July 16, 2024

From the Chair: Equality and Diversity & Artificial Intelligence

The beginning of a new year should encourage us to make resolutions to aim for better things for ourselves and others.  The Committee’s resolution is perhaps an undramatic one but I believe will ensure that we continue to run a happy and successful u3a and serve and include as many people as possible in the community.

Equality and Diversity

We have decided to include in our monthly cycle of committee meetings a review of our policies on all sorts of matters ranging from Finance to Privacy and GDPR.  The Committee started by approving a new Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy which now appears on this page of our website Policies – Dawlish & District u3a

Policies often appear dry, legalistic and not closely connected to what we want to enjoy doing day by day.  That is fair comment.  In this case, I urge you to read it and do what you can to ensure that we continue to live up to the aspirations of our policy.  It is often about ensuring that ‘little things’ are done well.  This might be ensuring that we hold interest group meetings in places which all members can get to, that there is suitable access to toilets, that those with mobility or hearing difficulties are able to participate, and that we don’t do anything to make a member or visitor feel uncomfortable.  We should also do what we can to make everyone welcome, that we are not a ‘closed shop’ and new members are welcome at our groups – even if we might need to think about meeting in a different venue.

I believe in almost every respect we are currently doing well in these matters but we can always reflect on what we do and how we might improve.  And the mantra embedded in the policy is that we are only asked to make ‘reasonable adjustments’, not completely change the way we operate – or attempt the impossible or unaffordable.

One matter where I hope there can be some action is the provision of amplification in the Council Chamber so those who are struggling to hear our speakers, have more help and feel included.  After my lobbying a few months ago, the Council promised to invest in some technology to help all users of the Manor House, but it hasn’t happened yet.  I’ll give them a reminder and suggest a New Year’s Resolution might be in order!

Artificial Intelligence

It has occurred to me that an important and fascinating subject for a monthly meeting might be Artificial Intelligence.  My initial attempts to find someone competent to talk to us about this have not got very far as yet, so a recent communication from the national office of the u3a was very timely.  These are links which members might be interested to explore if they wish to get started on AI and discover a little of what it might entail.

Those who really know about these things (which at present does not include me!) are sure that there is a great deal to be positive and excited about, and that we should not just dwell on some of the obvious problems.  As part of our mission is to Learn, then perhaps you might like to investigate the following link.

u3a Communities – AI for everyone

Have fun!

John Vick