Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Adventure Group – Tai Chi

Starting 2024 at a relatively gentle pace, this month’s adventure is a step into the world of Tai Chi.

Here’s what you need to know:

Nature of activity Tai Chi session
Name of u3a organiser and organiser’s contact details Miggie Pickton, email via: adventure@u3a.dawlish.info
Location of activity The Mayor’s Parlour
The Manor House
Old Town Street
Date and start time Wednesday 24th January 2:30pm to 3:30pm.
Please aim to arrive there about 10 mins before the start.
Duration 1 hour
Cost £6.50 per person
Cost includes A one hour Tai Chi lesson with instruction provided by Sifu Nick Taylor from Devon Tai Chi Centre.  Nick is an experienced Tai Chi instructor.
Deadline for payment in full The full payment of £6.50 should be paid to Dawlish & District u3a Treasurer by the end of Wednesday 17th January.

Bank details are as follows:

Name of bank: NatWest
Name of Account: Dawlish & District u3a
Sort code: 52-30-22
Account No: 34078967
Reference: Adventure

(The reference is important for the Treasurer to identify what your payment is for.)

Bank transfers are preferred but if you wish to pay by cheque please ensure the Treasurer has your cheque in sufficient time for it to clear by the deadline.

Cancellation policy If you have to cancel after 17th January this will result in loss of full payment unless someone can be found to take your place.  Please notify Miggie as soon as possble if you have to cancel.
Procedure for notifying group if provider cancels In the event of cancellation I will send an email to all those who have booked and update the details on the website.  Please check the website on the morning of the activity in case of last minute cancellation.
Level of fitness required or any particular skills (you must satisfy yourself that you are physically able to participate in the activity). According to the Devon Tai Chi Centre website, Tai Chi “is suitable for all ages and fitness levels” and has many health and fitness benefits.

You will normally be standing for the full session but chairs will be available if needed.

Personal medical conditions If you have any medical conditions that might affect your ability to do Tai Chi then you should declare this to the instructor on arrival.
Disclaimer Please note that whilst the u3a organisers are concerned for everyone’s welfare, by taking part in this activity you should recognise that your safety is your own responsibility.
Appropriate footwear & clothing Comfortable clothing and flat shoes such as trainers.
Toilet / refreshment facilities Toilets are available in the Manor House but not refreshments.  Feel free to take your own water bottle.
Equipment provided None is needed.
Meeting point In the Mayor’s Parlour.
Public transport and car parking facilities The 186 bus between Dawlish and Sainsbury’s travels along Old Town Street.

Car parking is available at the Manor House.

COVID-19 Although COVID rules have been relaxed, we ask group members to respect each others’ personal space. It is recommended that you take hand sanitiser.
Risk assessment A risk assessment has been conducted for this activity.  It is recommended that you read this.  Please find it here.

Any questions?  Just get in touch via email: adventure@u3a.dawlish.info.

Last updated 12/01/2024