Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Lunch club – Christmas meal 2023

Update 11/11/23: please see deadline for final payment and note re dietary requirements

I have been looking at the Langstone Cliff hotel for our midweek Christmas lunch. This hotel is very popular and gets booked up quite quickly.

Our u3a Christmas lunch will take place on December 19th from 12.30 to 2.30pm. It is open to all Dawlish & District u3a members and will cost £29 per person.

If you wish to attend:

  • By September 26th please email me (via enquiries@u3a.dawlish.info) to show your interest.
  • By September 28th please pay a non refundable deposit of £5 per person to the u3a treasurer, bank details as follows:

Name of bank: NatWest
Name of Account: Dawlish and District U3A
Sort code: 52-30-22
Account No: 34078967
Reference: Xmas

  • As soon as possible but no later than November 26th please pay the balance of £24 per person to the u3a treasurer, as above, and notify Khim Sim of any particular dietary requirements.

Further details, including the menu for the midweek Christmas lunch, can be found here.

Khim Sim, Convenor