Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Quiz group – November/December 2022

The group met twice in November with eight people in attendance for both quizzes. The subjects for the first quiz were ‘The F word’, General Knowledge, Losers, Green issues, Birds of a feather and ZZZ. The F word came in on top and the lowest score was the Green issues round. Would you have remembered what the Forget me not is also known as? Or how about which author once said “Work is the curse of the drinking classes”?

The Birds of a feather subject was not linked to the BBC comedy but rather each answer contained  the name of a bird. So which comedian  was born Charles Springall and what was the real name of Calamity Jane?

Our second quiz took place last Monday, 28th November. This time questions were set on Literary animals, Twins, General knowledge, All Chinese to me, True or false and Bells and whistles.

Unfortunately no team played their joker in the right round and realised that they should have played it in the General Knowledge round. The true or false subject gained the most points (luck or judgement?)  The twins were placed last! So which of the Kray twins lived the longest and what were the names of the Bee Gees twins?

No one got all three of the China related questions correct. Let’s see if you would have:

  1. China long is a variety of which vegetable?
  2. Sunglasses were invented in China to do what?
  3. In China if you order white tea, what is served up?

I’ll leave it to you to google the answers.

As there is so much going on in December, the quiz group will be meeting only once, on the 19th December. Then a well earned Christmas and New Year break before re-convening on Monday 9th January followed by another quiz on the 23rd.

Graham Carey, convenor.