Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Art Appreciation – July/August 2022

At the July meeting, Keith Feltham gave a presentation on John Miller, a modern British artist whose work is especially popular with visitors to Cornwall where he lived.  His early style was similar to the impressionists, but he made his name with tranquil minimalist paintings of the Cornish coastline.  These evocative images showing sweeping sands and turquoise seas with clear blue skies, have an enormously wide appeal and made him financially successful in his own lifetime – no mean feat for any artist.  This link will take you to a website showing many of his paintings.

By contrast, our next meeting at 2pm on Tuesday 9th August will focus on artworks representing the theme of War and Conflict.  Members are invited to select an artwork of their own choice and talk briefly about it.  These meetings are always particularly interesting as many choices prove to be completely unexpected or unfamiliar.

Lynne Vick, Convenor