Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Strollers Social Walking Group – June/July 2022

The Strollers met on Thursday 9th June, and five of us travelled by bus to Kenton, and walked through the Powderham estate.

Our attention was first caught by a field full of magnificent yellow flag iris, and shortly after by a cow with its head stuck in a forked tree. We called at the castle petting zoo a short distance away to report this to the staff and, our good deed for the day done, carried on up the hill to the side of the deer park. There are lovely views from the top over the estuary, and of the Belvedere Folly as we carried on down to Powderham church.

We returned along the road towards Starcross, and then cut across the estate to the Farm Shop for refreshments.

Our next outing is on 14th July, when we are off to the old cemetery at Teignmouth to admire Jean’s hard work and take advantage of her knowledge of who’s buried and what’s growing.

Michael Heyden