Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Art Appreciation – March/April 2022

At the March meeting of our group members responded creatively to the invitation to talk about a work of art of their choosing on the theme of ‘Food’.

Johannes Vermeer, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The most bizarre – but popular – choice was Arcimboldo’s extraordinary Four Seasons showing human faces constructed out of fruit and vegetables. We also had a number of still lives by Caravaggio, Cézanne, and Jan Davidsz de Heem, A Dining Room Overlooking a Garden by Bonnard, A Fisher Girl by Elizabeth Forbes, Vermeer’s Milkmaid, and Hopper’s Tables for Ladies where the display of fruit was almost incidental to the main subject of the painting. The painting of luncheon in Monet’s garden at Argenteuil was a delightful contrast with another al fresco meal – Beryl Cook’s Tea in the Garden which featured very respectable but entirely naked figures seated around a tea table in a suburban garden.

We were pleased to welcome a member who joined the group for a taster session. I hope he enjoyed the session and will come again to our next meeting.

Unfortunately, the April meeting is cancelled and we will next meet on Tuesday 10th May. The subject will be Marc Chagall who produced some of the most intriguing and beautiful art of the last century.
Lynne Vick, Convenor