Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Timing of future Monthly Meetings from March 2022

Timing of future Monthly Meetings: 3.15pm in the Council Chamber, The Manor House

As you may recall, in February we began our monthly meeting slightly later than usual at 3.15pm in the Council Chamber of the Manor House.  This experiment was led by our need to have a room which offered a better environment for a visual presentation.  It proved to be a considerable success.  We were all able to see the slides clearly, sit with more generous spacing, and the recent efforts to improve the acoustics in the Chamber seemed to be substantially successful.  We had a very good attendance (over 50) and all those present indicated that they would be happy for this to become our regular meeting time and place.  I will obviously need to consult all the visiting speakers who have agreed to come in the months ahead, but providing that they are all happy with this later start, we will make this change permanent.

Please be aware that the Council Chamber is booked by another organisation earlier in the afternoon so we are asked not to arrive before 3.15pm with a starting time of 3.30pm.  The reason why the Chamber was not in use on 21st February was that the earlier booking had to be cancelled because of Covid.  This will not be the case in future.

At our next meeting on Monday 21st March, we will welcome – after a postponement of about two years! – Derek Gore.  Many of you will have heard Derek speak before.  He is a Teaching Fellow at the University of Exeter and before that was for twelve years a part-time lecturer in archaeology. He specialises in the archaeology of the Viking Age in Europe and Scandinavia.  His subject on this occasion will be ‘The Vikings in the West Country’.  I am looking forward to hearing his talk as his knowledge of this subject is encyclopaedic and always fascinating.

John Vick