Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Theatre group – December 2021

The Theatre group usually meets on the first Thursday of the month in room 4a at the Manor House. All welcome.  This group share suggestions for performances and coordinate between themselves the purchase of tickets, transport and meeting up before the performance.

Performances enjoyed by Members last month included:  Mrs Winston – my life with Churchill at Pavilions Teignmouth and The Edge of Darkness at the Shaftsbury.

In November so far, tickets have been purchased for Chicago at Princess Theatre, Torquay; Female Gothic at Pavilions, Teignmouth; and Barbican Theatre’s streaming of Anything Goes at The Pavilions Teignmouth next Wednesday 1st December.

A reminder has been sent out for tickets in advance for the Pantomime at Shaftsbury on 15th January.

Members are encouraged to share with the group a performance they would like to see as other members might like to attend and travel arrangements can be shared.

Our next meeting will be held at the Manor House on Thursday 2nd December 2 – 4pm to accommodate new members who expressed an interest in joining the group. All welcome.

30/11/2021 Update: The meeting of the Theatre group on Thursday 2nd December has been cancelled.  Attendees have been notified.

Margaret Cunningham and Kate McCarthy, Co Convenors.