Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Great Lives – November 2021

Because the number of new members enrolled since the u3a Open Day had exceeded the current membership of the group it was evident that the group size exceeded the number that could safely meet in a domestic household. The decision was taken to hire a room at the Manor House for our meeting on 22nd November.

As it transpired seven of the ‘old gang’ met to consider the life of Lyse Doucet; but of the nine people who’d expressed an interest on Open Day, two had decided not to join u3a, one had decided not to join Great Lives and six had sent apologies! Perhaps the eve of Half Term influenced their decisions; but, confident that some if not all, will join us 26th November to discuss the Great Life of Audrey Hepburn, the same room at the Manor House has been booked.

George Lipscomb