Tuesday, July 16, 2024

French conversation – October/November 2021

This is a great group which is a fairly advanced group with some fluent speakers including one native speaker and it has currently eight members and one on a waiting list.  Fortunately not everyone can always attend so generally we are five or six and ca suffit! The u3a open day attracted more interested parties though some describe themselves as beginners or “ rusty” so another group might be a good idea?

Last week’s topic was to talk about what we like and don’t like about where we live. We had some interesting presentations on both Teignmouth and Dawlish and learned more about each.  Some people didn’t know there’s a Lido in Teignmouth!

We learned some interesting expressions like “tomber dans les pommes” (to fall in the apples) which means to faint!  Wonder if it has anything to do with the Hallowe’en game of trying to bite the apple!
The next time we meet the topic will be “ if you were to come back after departing this world what would you like to be?”

Bridie Cushion