Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Strollers Social Walking Group – October 2021

The Strollers walking group met on Thursday 14th October. We had been hoping to catch a no 2 bus to Langdon hospital, but problems with the buses on the day meant most of us caught a no 22. We carried on up a footpath to the side of the hospital site, and happily were caught up by two members who got the right bus at a different stop. The path joins Port Road which we followed, crossed the main Exeter road and carried on to Cockwood, sensibly stopping at the Ship for refreshments. The bus journey back was less eventful.

We will meet again on Thursday November 11th. We shall catch the no 2 bus (1.10 pm from Teignmouth, 1.25 pm from Dawlish) and go to Exminster. The plan is then to walk through the RSPB reserve to Turf Lock on the canal, where we’ll stop for refreshments. You’ll then have a choice of going back along the towpath and the lane to Exminster, or if you wish you can carry on alongside the canal and estuary to Powderham Church and Starcross. It’ll be flat all the way this month.

If there are any questions from old, new or prospective members do get in touch with me, Jean Gitsham, Convenor, via enquiries@u3a.dawlish.info.