Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Open Day – call for volunteers

Just in case it hasn’t found its way into your calendar already, Saturday 18th September is the date of our first Dawlish and District u3a Open Day.  Planned as a ‘party with a purpose’, this is the day when members come together to re-launch our u3a and re-engage with u3a activities.

But for this to be the greatest possible success we need your help. Each interest group is being offered a share in a stall at the Open Day.  The stalls will enable groups to promote their own activities and encourage new and existing members to join the fun.

Interest group convenors have all been invited to put together a small team of enthusiastic group members to staff their stall.  So when you are asked to help out please say yes – and share your own ideas of how to present your group in the best light.

We truly want the Open Day to involve as many members as possible so don’t hold back – we need you!

Any questions?  Watch our website and newsletter for further information, contact the Open Day team via enquiries@u3a.dawlish.info or ask us in person:

Miggie Pickton (Chair)

Steve Angove

Kate McCarthy

John Vick

Anne Whitehead