Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Theatre group – August 2021

As this is a new group we are still finding our way but we had a successful informal meeting on Tuesday 15th June on the Lawn with 12 members in attendance and a further two who had sent their apologies.  It was reassuring we all seemed to have the same ideas for the group which would include visits to Theatre, Musicals, Opera, One Man shows, Talks to name but a few.  We would like to see performances by both professional and amateurs.  The highlight of the year could be the possibility of a trip to London to see a show and an overnight stay.  It was accepted that not everyone would be able to stay away overnight but we seemed to have discussed and agreed opportunities for everyone.

We all agreed to share ideas and experiences, some would be interested in visiting back stage, try our hand at script reading and we also welcomed the idea of having occasional  local Speakers from a Theatrical background.  Our first event as a group would be a trip to the Shaftsbury Theatre in Dawlish which is due to perform Stage Struck in August with performances for both those who want to continue Social Distancing and those who choose to not Socially Distance. Hopefully this will be the only event where we will be split as a group.

Our monthly meetings will be held on the first Thursday of the month and will be at the Strand, the first meeting will be on the 5th August from 2pm until 4pm where amongst other topics, we will be discussing Stage Struck prior to attending the play.

Kate McCarthy & Margaret Cunningham