Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Free online workshops from the national u3a

Tuesday 11th May 10.30am – Japanese Culture

The culture of Japan, both old and new, from wood block prints to anime and maid cafes, is fascinating.  This talk will focus on the historical elements looking at how some of them developed and how the long period of isolation ensured they did so with minimal influence from the west.

Thursday 13 May, 10.30am – Close Shaves and Lucky Escapes with the National Army Museum 

In this exclusive talk for u3a members, Justin Saddington, curator from the National Army Museum, will use objects once owned by great leaders to consider the possible impact that the death of these figures would have had on history.

These workshops are free and given by members for members.  Places are limited, so if you book make sure you attend.

To see more of what is on offer go into the national u3a website, click on Events, then Online Events.