Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Apply to join Dawlish & District u3a

To join Dawlish & District u3a please complete the online form below  If you are an existing member and wish to renew your membership please go to this page.

If you would prefer, you can click here for a printable form which can be completed then posted to the Membership Secretary or email membershipsecretary@u3a.dawlish.info for a form to be sent to you.

Membership form

    Your Title (required)

    Your Full Name, including any middle name(s) (required)

    The name you wish to be known as (if different from the above)

    Your Address (required)

    Your Postcode (required)

    Your Email address (required)

    To save costs, the Committee will use email wherever possible.

    Your Phone number (mobile)

    Your Phone number (landline)

    Privacy statement

    Dawlish & District u3a requires members to provide their personal information so that they can be kept informed about events and activities that are offered as part of their membership. In collecting this information Dawlish & District u3a will:

    • Store it securely

    • Use it to communicate with you as a member

    • Share your information with the leaders of those groups of which you are a member

    • Send you general information about the Third Age Trust, the national organisation to which all u3as are affiliated

    If you agree, Dawlish & District u3a will also arrange for you to receive the Third Age Matters (TAM) magazine. Please select one option below.

    Please note: Associate membership does not include TAM magazine.

    Membership fees

    Membership fee is £15.00 per annum. This includes our membership fee to our national organisation which provides a wide range of services and benefits, including liability insurance cover and the TAM magazine which is sent out 5 times per year.
    Associate membership fee is £10.00 per annum if you are already a member of another u3a.
    If you join in January you will have full/associate membership until end of March the following year.

    Please pay by Bank details using the details below:

    Name of bank: NatWest
    Name of Account: Dawlish & District u3a
    Sort code: 52-30-22
    Account No: 34078967
    Reference: Your name

    If this is not possible, please enclose a cheque made payable to Dawlish & District u3a and send to the Membership Secretary, Kate McCarthy, Clint Cottage, East Cliff Road, Dawlish, EX7 0PB.

    Gift Aid statement

    Please select one option below.

    By clicking Send I am applying for membership of Dawlish & District u3a and confirm that I will comply with the terms and conditions of membership as stated in the Member code of conduct.
    I have completed this form myself.