Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Kate Mosse: The Winter Ghosts (January 2020)

This book is brilliantly written by acclaimed author, Kate Mosse. The theme is centred on the results of male grief and male suffering – a very topical issue in this present day.

It is set in the beautiful countryside around Languedoc and the Pyrenees in South West France in 1933. It is the mystifying tale of a young man, Freddie Watson, who, through his narration we are taken back to 1928 when he was previously in this area recovering from a breakdown. What happened then, and how it affected his life and those of others he met, is the reason for his return several years later.

Freddie’s life had been unbearable since his dear brother had been killed in the Great War, but because of a meeting with an ethereal young woman on a haunting and funereal mountain and an esoteric village, he was, not only able to overcome his anguish and despair and regain purpose and fortitude in life, but also he uncovered a secret and dreadful tragedy in history. This had occurred in the 13th Century in this region to the followers of the Catharism , an ascetic Christian sect who were persecuted by the Catholic Church.

The story is simple but symbolises the physical, emotional and mental stresses of a young man fighting his demons.

It is a ghost story and a love story with historical background, and it led to a very lively and interesting discussion from the Group,  who unanimously agreed it was a beautiful written and evocative mystery and a perfect read for this time of year. We would recommend it highly.

Margaret Cunningham

20th Jan. 2020.